Saturday, August 7, 2010

All that...

Ladies and Gentlemen, I introduce you to the rare specimen that we have come to call. "Travis".
"Travis", is around 5' 11' and 150 lb. and has enough energy to fuel a rocket. He also possesses one of the most girly-est screams upon scaring him.
If you are looking for some good fun at Discovery Gateway, make sure to ask for "Travis".


Upstairs gets pretty boring sometimes, because evidently downstairs is so fascinating that kids get sucked in and can never get out until their mothers have to literally drag them out because its time to go.
So. Since its so dead upstairs. I get to make mini-masterpieces like this!

See-through Legos + light table + Coco + My genius = EPIC DOUBLE PYRAMID THING OF AMAZING COLOOOOORSSSS.
*epic guitar riff* whidala whidala whidala weeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!

I'd like to give a shout out to my main girl Coco Mack! Who helped me with this painstakingly long process of rebuilding this thing 3 times because we put the pieces in wrong. THIS ONES FOR YOU COCO!

Is it though? is.


Coco's got mad bread stackin skillz.

Work it girl.

Monday, May 3, 2010

*grabs dictionary*


Today was a slow day...

In fact, it was a Veeeerrrrrry sllllooooooowwww daaaaaaay.

sooooooo, I did this....

Its supposed to be flowers... :)

Friday, April 23, 2010

The Beast...

A couple of days ago we got a brand stinkin new exhibit in our museum! We have had what we called the "Temp Gallery" for a while now, and it was just a big empty room, but with the new exhibit, its all filled up. Therefore, all of the storage we kept in the temp gallery had to be moved to make way for the new exhibit.ANYWAYS... I was chosen to be one of the helpers in moving all of the random stuff out of the temp gallery. My friend Danny and I were told that we had to move.....
truth be told, no it wasn't a real mythical beast. It was a giant fake christmas tree. Danny and I looked at each other and were like"Dude, we can handle this.."
(In the words of Spleen from Mystery Men..)

THAT THING WAS AWFUL. Its branches were made out of the sharpest plastic evergreen needles. EVER. When we try to pick it up, you couldn't get a real hold on it because it wasn't just one solid piece, it was made up of different parts. WHICH WERE CHAINED TOGETHER FOR SOME RIDICULOUS REASON. Who chains together tree branches?! I swear that thing weighed a billion pounds. A....BILLION.... and it was so big, it was very awkward to cart around.
We finally got it on a cart and tried to wheel it to the trash room. But then SPENCER (he finally came to our rescue from the horrid evergreen monster.) had to get it stuck in the elevator. Then when we finally got it out, he accidentally slammed into a wall and put a hole in the plaster. Nice huh?
THEN when we got into the trash room, we realized that we had to lift the blasted thing up into the dumpster. which was like 3 feet tall.IT WASN'T GOING TO HAPPEN. no way, no how. That beast was fighting against us with all its christmas might. We then had the idea to try and make it lighter by taking off some of the branches. We then realized that the branches were made of metal, and they were strapped together with christmas lights and chain.
That was the LAST STRAW CHRISTMAS TREE FROM HADES... We then decided that we would take out all of our rage on this stupid stubborn thing and start ripping its limbs off. YEAH THATS RIGHT, WE RIPPED YOUR LIMBS OFF WITH OUR RAGE.

but...then we figured out that it was no use...
we were defeated....
we left it on the cold concrete floor of the trash room....

But hey, look on the bright side. Spencer got a sweet power strip from it. We ripped it from its cold, dead, needles....

Saturday, April 3, 2010


Oh kids these days. When and where did they learn to speak like they were 30?

I was upstairs at work when I witness this little...conversation? No, confrontation.

(6 year old girl pulls other 6 year old girl aside puts hand on her shoulder in a serious way)

Drama Queen #1-- "...I am concerned.."

Drama Queen #2-- ...?

Drama Queen #1-- "I drew you something special, and you didn't even didn't even care."

Drama Queen #2-- ...?

Drama Queen #1 (getting choked up by this point, almost crying) --"It was s-s-special! I made it just for you! But you don't care..I don't know if this can last....its too much... our friendship is...over!!!"

Drama Queen #2 -- What!? No! Ah! No! (Runs away dramatically)

Drama Queen #1-- (Hangs her head in shame)

Me--"Did that just happen?"

Yes, it did.

P.S. I talked to the drama girl #1's mom and she told me that those two girls are the biggest drama queens she has ever seen. She also told me that during that day at the museum, her and her daughter got separated for a moment, and then when she found her daughter again, this is what she greeted her with.

"Mom...why did you leave forgot me.....Mom I don't know about our relationship forgot me...."

Ah that girl is going to be a star...

Friday, March 5, 2010

Oh So Sweet...

I have the sweetest and bestest friend at DG.

His name is Danny, and he is the cutest thing! He is a sophomore in highschool, and he is so awesome!
So today I had a 2 hour meeting with my boss to go over my "work" (basically telling me what I am doing wrong...yeah we are privileged to have these type of meetings once a month...augh)
Usually I am a wreck when I come out of the office, ( I hate negative criticism....sue me)
Suddenly there was sweet little Danny, with a big smile on his face, and he is like,
"I have a present for you!"

Needless to say, my heart melted, I hugged him instantly and yelled.


He is adorable
Thanks Danny for being my best friend at work, and just being plain awesome.

P.S. Doesn't he look JUST like David Archelleta? or how ever you spell that kids name..
he does.

P.P.S. It was a peach gumball... :)

Thursday, February 18, 2010

We're going on a Ghost Hunt...

Dear Readers,
Many of you would not know what a DG Ghost hunt is, and I don't blame you, because I have been working there for over half of a year and I didn't know what it was until I was smack dab in the middle of one!
I will share with you the story of my "experience"...nay..."hazing".

I am down stairs with my friend Danny. We are cleaning up in our usual drone manner. I then get a radio call to go upstairs and stand in the Studio (the upstairs main area), until otherwise ordered. I do as I am told, and head upstairs............................. my doom.........

Suddenly my friend (BUT NOW I DON'T EVEN KNOW IF THAT IS TRUE!) is leading a pack of wild animals/children, towards me. He is holding this weird device that lights up and has some whirlygig on it. He points it towards me and the lights get brighter and that whirlygig spins faster.
Then...he points at me....and says those fateful words....


Suddenly a swarm of tiny, unwashed hands, grab me and drag me to the ground. There were so many of them....
They had a "ghost trap" (which was one of those collapsable material tubes that little kids can climb through) and they crouched...ready to pounce.

BAM! Right in the face. SMACK. In the nose. These kids really knew what they were doing, they knew that they must first disorient the victim before they can capture it.

My face was pulsing and I swore that they broke my nose. Then I was surrounded by green and purple as they slammed the "Ghost Trap" around me. I finally felt a little safe in my tiny green cell...yet the stings of their mechanic high pitched laughter still penetrated the thin polyester.

Then finally the attack was called off by my ...."co..worker" *cough* EVIL PLANNER...MAN..
and I was released.



Little girl-- "Hee...hee...hee"

Little Girl's Mom-- "No honey! We don't pull people's hair! Not in public!"


Sidenote--My friend Danny was also attacked, but the kids changed their tactics. They decided to punch him in the stomach until he fell to the ground to put the "Ghost Trap" on him.
I am so sorry Danny. I sympathize and feel your pain... Let us be strong.......together....

Out of the mouth of babes..

Boy-- "You are crazy!"

Other Boy-- "Why am I crazy!?"

Boy-- "Because I would never kill you! I am your BEST....FRIEND.."

Other Boy-- "Ok...want to go play with the legos?"

I overheard this sweet, innocent, conversation between two boys at my work. Awww I think everybody should have a best friend like that kid.

In the Dog House..

I don't really know what happened here. I just happened to walk upon this hilarious happenstance.

But who doesn't love a fat kid passed out in a fake dog house?
Because I know I do!

Friday, January 8, 2010

What are you talking about? Im not Crrraaazzzy...

At work we wear headset radios. Therefor everything that is said over them, only staff can hear, instead of broadcasting publicly in front of everyone in the museum. Thus making you look like a crazy person...

I say this because I have had a looooooot of weird looks whenever I laugh at something that a coworker has said funny over the radio. Yes yes, I agree, to an outsider, I do look like I am just laughing at nothing and that I look like I am hearing things. BUT I AM OK!? I HEAR VOICES IN MY HEAD EVERYDAY!.....every day I am at work that is. .....what.....Im not crazy.....................

*eye twitch*


Today I was playing with two children, who were NOT related. Keep that in mind. They were NOT related.

I asked them what their names where.

Little Boy-- "Im Nixon!"

Little Girl-- "Im Reagan!"


Seriously couldn't come up with anything better?!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Smiles are everywhere!

This made me smile at work today. :)


Tell me boys and girls, for I am stumped.

What is this creature?

My coworkers and I have sliiiiightly concluded that it miiiiight be a goat? A...salmon colored....goat?

Annnd We're baaaack! (insert nasely voice)

Hey! I am back from my Christmas break to loverly Oregon, and right back to the ol' grind. Work, ugg, I didn't miss it to tell you honestly. Yet, it did warm my heart, when I did come back that everybody was really happy to see me again, and some people that I am not really close too, came up to me and said that they were sad that they hadn't seen me in a while, and they were happy that I was back! Awww. Some evidence that these people actually have hearts. Sweet.

Now, to let you in on a little secret. Everyday when I walk to work, I always talk to myself saying. "Just my luck, they are going to stick me downstairs for most of my shift." (To most of you who don't know, "downstairs/kid's eyeview" is basically a place where kids decide that they want to destroy everything in their reach. and if you are stuck down there, you have to clean it.) I spend HOURS and HOURS picking things up and putting them back. I swear the kids just wait for me to clean it all up and watch me put it all back when they decide to take what ever i just put away and make a mess of it. I SWEAR EVERY TIME! I just want to say. "HEY I JUST PUT THAT BACK, CAN YOU JUST NOT TOUCH IT FOR A MINUTE!?" Sigh...but hey, I asked for this job didn't I? Its what I get.

Now you are probably asking yourself, "why did she just tell me this?". Well today, I did what I always did. "They are probably going to stick me downstairs for most of my shift, gosh, ugg, blahblahblah". But when I got to work I found out that I was upstairs for most of the day. *silent woot!* Before I went upstairs to start my shift. I noticed that we had a school group coming in to play in the museum. I saw that they were all severely disabled children, and I was so happy that they were coming to play. I swear they have more joy that regular children sometimes. Their smiles are so huge! I kept telling them and their parents that they should come and visit me upstairs and we can play! Usually in the mornings it takes about and hour or so before children start heading upstairs because they are so fascinated with the downstairs area. So basically I was just sitting alone upstairs playing with blocks. Thats happened.

ccchhhessshh (radio noise)

"Attention Discovery Gateway Staff, we have a slight emergency, a child has lost his eye."


"It is a oval/football shaped glass eyeball with a blue center."


"Please look everywhere for this eyeball. And if you find it, please bring it up to the front desk"

Me-- *gag*

So basically. That's what happened. I was waaaaaaay happy that I was posted upstairs so that I wouldn't have to be included in the search party for the eyeball. *fist pump*.
It then concluded like this.

Me--(over radio some 3 hours later) "Hey did that eye ever get found?"

CoWorker-- "Well, his teacher/caregiver said that he most likely swallowed it, he tends to do that alot."

Me-- *gag*

Welcome back to work me!

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