Upstairs gets pretty boring sometimes, because evidently downstairs is so fascinating that kids get sucked in and can never get out until their mothers have to literally drag them out because its time to go.
So. Since its so dead upstairs. I get to make mini-masterpieces like this!

See-through Legos + light table + Coco + My genius = EPIC DOUBLE PYRAMID THING OF AMAZING COLOOOOORSSSS.
*epic guitar riff* whidala whidala whidala weeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!
I'd like to give a shout out to my main girl Coco Mack! Who helped me with this painstakingly long process of rebuilding this thing 3 times because we put the pieces in wrong. THIS ONES FOR YOU COCO!
yeaaaaaah~~!!!!!!!!!! i appreciate the shout out ;)