I have the sweetest and bestest friend at DG.

His name is Danny, and he is the cutest thing! He is a sophomore in highschool, and he is so awesome!
So today I had a 2 hour meeting with my boss to go over my "work" (basically telling me what I am doing wrong...yeah we are privileged to have these type of meetings once a month...augh)
Usually I am a wreck when I come out of the office, ( I hate negative criticism....sue me)
Suddenly there was sweet little Danny, with a big smile on his face, and he is like,
"I have a present for you!"

Needless to say, my heart melted, I hugged him instantly and yelled.
He is adorable
Thanks Danny for being my best friend at work, and just being plain awesome.
P.S. Doesn't he look JUST like David Archelleta? or how ever you spell that kids name..
he does.
P.P.S. It was a peach gumball... :)
ahhhh, that makes all the crazy days worth it! You are a peach Abi!