Friday, January 8, 2010

What are you talking about? Im not Crrraaazzzy...

At work we wear headset radios. Therefor everything that is said over them, only staff can hear, instead of broadcasting publicly in front of everyone in the museum. Thus making you look like a crazy person...

I say this because I have had a looooooot of weird looks whenever I laugh at something that a coworker has said funny over the radio. Yes yes, I agree, to an outsider, I do look like I am just laughing at nothing and that I look like I am hearing things. BUT I AM OK!? I HEAR VOICES IN MY HEAD EVERYDAY!.....every day I am at work that is. .....what.....Im not crazy.....................

*eye twitch*

1 comment:

  1. I recently heard a speaker about mental health and he said that alot of people hear voices and its normal. Its the ones that react to the demands of the voices that have a problem.


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