Friday, January 8, 2010

What are you talking about? Im not Crrraaazzzy...

At work we wear headset radios. Therefor everything that is said over them, only staff can hear, instead of broadcasting publicly in front of everyone in the museum. Thus making you look like a crazy person...

I say this because I have had a looooooot of weird looks whenever I laugh at something that a coworker has said funny over the radio. Yes yes, I agree, to an outsider, I do look like I am just laughing at nothing and that I look like I am hearing things. BUT I AM OK!? I HEAR VOICES IN MY HEAD EVERYDAY!.....every day I am at work that is. .....what.....Im not crazy.....................

*eye twitch*


Today I was playing with two children, who were NOT related. Keep that in mind. They were NOT related.

I asked them what their names where.

Little Boy-- "Im Nixon!"

Little Girl-- "Im Reagan!"


Seriously couldn't come up with anything better?!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Smiles are everywhere!

This made me smile at work today. :)


Tell me boys and girls, for I am stumped.

What is this creature?

My coworkers and I have sliiiiightly concluded that it miiiiight be a goat? A...salmon colored....goat?

Annnd We're baaaack! (insert nasely voice)

Hey! I am back from my Christmas break to loverly Oregon, and right back to the ol' grind. Work, ugg, I didn't miss it to tell you honestly. Yet, it did warm my heart, when I did come back that everybody was really happy to see me again, and some people that I am not really close too, came up to me and said that they were sad that they hadn't seen me in a while, and they were happy that I was back! Awww. Some evidence that these people actually have hearts. Sweet.

Now, to let you in on a little secret. Everyday when I walk to work, I always talk to myself saying. "Just my luck, they are going to stick me downstairs for most of my shift." (To most of you who don't know, "downstairs/kid's eyeview" is basically a place where kids decide that they want to destroy everything in their reach. and if you are stuck down there, you have to clean it.) I spend HOURS and HOURS picking things up and putting them back. I swear the kids just wait for me to clean it all up and watch me put it all back when they decide to take what ever i just put away and make a mess of it. I SWEAR EVERY TIME! I just want to say. "HEY I JUST PUT THAT BACK, CAN YOU JUST NOT TOUCH IT FOR A MINUTE!?" Sigh...but hey, I asked for this job didn't I? Its what I get.

Now you are probably asking yourself, "why did she just tell me this?". Well today, I did what I always did. "They are probably going to stick me downstairs for most of my shift, gosh, ugg, blahblahblah". But when I got to work I found out that I was upstairs for most of the day. *silent woot!* Before I went upstairs to start my shift. I noticed that we had a school group coming in to play in the museum. I saw that they were all severely disabled children, and I was so happy that they were coming to play. I swear they have more joy that regular children sometimes. Their smiles are so huge! I kept telling them and their parents that they should come and visit me upstairs and we can play! Usually in the mornings it takes about and hour or so before children start heading upstairs because they are so fascinated with the downstairs area. So basically I was just sitting alone upstairs playing with blocks. Thats happened.

ccchhhessshh (radio noise)

"Attention Discovery Gateway Staff, we have a slight emergency, a child has lost his eye."


"It is a oval/football shaped glass eyeball with a blue center."


"Please look everywhere for this eyeball. And if you find it, please bring it up to the front desk"

Me-- *gag*

So basically. That's what happened. I was waaaaaaay happy that I was posted upstairs so that I wouldn't have to be included in the search party for the eyeball. *fist pump*.
It then concluded like this.

Me--(over radio some 3 hours later) "Hey did that eye ever get found?"

CoWorker-- "Well, his teacher/caregiver said that he most likely swallowed it, he tends to do that alot."

Me-- *gag*

Welcome back to work me!

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