Friday, April 23, 2010

The Beast...

A couple of days ago we got a brand stinkin new exhibit in our museum! We have had what we called the "Temp Gallery" for a while now, and it was just a big empty room, but with the new exhibit, its all filled up. Therefore, all of the storage we kept in the temp gallery had to be moved to make way for the new exhibit.ANYWAYS... I was chosen to be one of the helpers in moving all of the random stuff out of the temp gallery. My friend Danny and I were told that we had to move.....
truth be told, no it wasn't a real mythical beast. It was a giant fake christmas tree. Danny and I looked at each other and were like"Dude, we can handle this.."
(In the words of Spleen from Mystery Men..)

THAT THING WAS AWFUL. Its branches were made out of the sharpest plastic evergreen needles. EVER. When we try to pick it up, you couldn't get a real hold on it because it wasn't just one solid piece, it was made up of different parts. WHICH WERE CHAINED TOGETHER FOR SOME RIDICULOUS REASON. Who chains together tree branches?! I swear that thing weighed a billion pounds. A....BILLION.... and it was so big, it was very awkward to cart around.
We finally got it on a cart and tried to wheel it to the trash room. But then SPENCER (he finally came to our rescue from the horrid evergreen monster.) had to get it stuck in the elevator. Then when we finally got it out, he accidentally slammed into a wall and put a hole in the plaster. Nice huh?
THEN when we got into the trash room, we realized that we had to lift the blasted thing up into the dumpster. which was like 3 feet tall.IT WASN'T GOING TO HAPPEN. no way, no how. That beast was fighting against us with all its christmas might. We then had the idea to try and make it lighter by taking off some of the branches. We then realized that the branches were made of metal, and they were strapped together with christmas lights and chain.
That was the LAST STRAW CHRISTMAS TREE FROM HADES... We then decided that we would take out all of our rage on this stupid stubborn thing and start ripping its limbs off. YEAH THATS RIGHT, WE RIPPED YOUR LIMBS OFF WITH OUR RAGE.

but...then we figured out that it was no use...
we were defeated....
we left it on the cold concrete floor of the trash room....

But hey, look on the bright side. Spencer got a sweet power strip from it. We ripped it from its cold, dead, needles....

Saturday, April 3, 2010


Oh kids these days. When and where did they learn to speak like they were 30?

I was upstairs at work when I witness this little...conversation? No, confrontation.

(6 year old girl pulls other 6 year old girl aside puts hand on her shoulder in a serious way)

Drama Queen #1-- "...I am concerned.."

Drama Queen #2-- ...?

Drama Queen #1-- "I drew you something special, and you didn't even didn't even care."

Drama Queen #2-- ...?

Drama Queen #1 (getting choked up by this point, almost crying) --"It was s-s-special! I made it just for you! But you don't care..I don't know if this can last....its too much... our friendship is...over!!!"

Drama Queen #2 -- What!? No! Ah! No! (Runs away dramatically)

Drama Queen #1-- (Hangs her head in shame)

Me--"Did that just happen?"

Yes, it did.

P.S. I talked to the drama girl #1's mom and she told me that those two girls are the biggest drama queens she has ever seen. She also told me that during that day at the museum, her and her daughter got separated for a moment, and then when she found her daughter again, this is what she greeted her with.

"Mom...why did you leave forgot me.....Mom I don't know about our relationship forgot me...."

Ah that girl is going to be a star...

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